10 Best Summer House Plants For Your Home

indoor plants

Summer house plants give calm and refreshing surroundings by beautifying the surroundings and purifying the air. Homes have always benefited from the aesthetic value that plants provide. Several kinds of plants can help purify the air inside your house and keep it cool. While air conditioners and fans exist, nothing compares to the natural cooling effects of plants. Comparatively speaking, homes with more plants are likely to be colder than those with fewer or no plants. You need to add more plants to your home if you want a better and healthier environment.

A few indoor plants can help keep your house cooler. If most of the area in your house is taken up by plants, you’ll feel that the air quality inside is much lower than outside. Let’s examine the eight kinds of indoor plants that you need to have in your house.

Summer house plants
Image credit: freepik

Some Summer House Plants

Rubber Plant

During the intense summer heat, a rubber plant can be a great way to keep your home cool. Because rubber plants have larger, broader leaves, more moisture will be released into the atmosphere, keeping your house colder. Just make sure that when the soil gets dry, it gets some water and filtered sunlight.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is famous for its ability to brighten any dull area, It looks especially good when planted in colorful summer house plants. The long, pointed, green leaves contain a gel that has multiple uses. Also, this shrub may produce flowers in the summer.

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Snake Plant

Sansevieria trifasciata is the scientific name for the snake plant. This is one of those plants that releases oxygen into the atmosphere at night, keeping the air cool and pure. It removes carbon dioxide, toluene, trichloroethylene, and nitrogen oxides.

Weeping Fig

The scientific name for weeping fig, Benjamin fig, or ficus tree is Ficus Benjamina. This is a bushy, leafy plant that thrives in indoor environments. When you bring the tall trunk with the bushy top of the weeping fig plant home, you’ll notice a cooldown in the summertime. Just remember to give this plant frequent irrigation and medium light.

Areca Palm

When entering someone’s living room, it’s natural to see the Areca Palm tree. It is not only very attractive, but it can also refresh and clean the air in your house. It’s also referred to as the best air humidifier. Put another way, according to NASA, it protects humans from any harmful effects caused by common toxins like formaldehyde, ammonia, and benzene.

Peace Lilly

Spathiphyllum, commonly known as the peace lily, looks lovely in this coral pot. This multipurpose plant effectively purifies the air and is simple to maintain. A helpful tip is to choose a Peace Lily plant with big, luscious leaves since they release the most moisture and oxygen into the atmosphere. Additionally, keep in mind that this plant produces stunning, long-lasting white blooms that usually blossom in the spring. So this plant is perfect even in terms of look.

Boston Fern

The Boston Fern plant had a higher hourly capacity to eliminate formaldehyde residues than the other plants tested. Also, Boston Fern can extract arsenic and other heavy metals from the soil, including mercury.

Golden Pothos

Golden pothos, sometimes referred to as Devil’s Ivy, is another plant that successfully removes hazardous chemicals from the air, including formaldehyde, benzene, and toluene, while also cooling the air. Also, this plant is a low-maintenance, lovely addition to your house because it only has to be watered every seven to ten days.

ZZ Plant

The ZZ plant is a great option for people looking for a fashionable companion and low-maintenance plant. It easily flourishes in a variety of interior situations thanks to its glossy, dark green foliage and tolerance to low light. Ideal for people with hectic schedules, this plant needs little care beyond occasional watering.

Spider Plant

Spider plants, or Chlorophytum comosum, are a common indoor plants because of their elegant, arching leaves and ability to filter the air. They are adaptable additions to your house because they are sturdy and can change with the light. Spider plants are noted for their ability to produce “spiderettes,” or offshoots, that are easily propagated to produce new plants. They like soil that drains well and is regularly watered, letting the soil dry out a little in between applications.


Bringing indoor summer house plants has many health advantages, in addition to making your living area look more beautiful and airy. These ten indoor summer house plants will improve your house throughout the summer by enhancing the mood, calming the atmosphere, and purifying the air. There is a large selection of plants to pick from, whether you live in a large or small living area. Low-maintenance options like Snake Plants and ZZ Plants are available, as well as more exotic options like Chinese Evergreens and Indian Summer Plants. This summer, welcome indoor plants and relish the peace. Embrace the beauty of nature indoors and let the brilliant spirit of summer bloom throughout your home.

© Ruchie Verma.

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Ruchi Verma

Certified parenting teen practitioner, multiple Award winner, mother of two active kids believes in sharing the right source of information to readers which could help them in every possible way!!

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