Kidzania- Kids own city!!

K idzania, when I heard abut it some 2 years back was really curious and excited to take my daughter there and let her enjoy the amazing world of kids. Yes, you read it the right amazing world of kids.

Due to my little son’s premature delivery, we totally forgot that we made a promise to our little princess to take her there. On 9th April 2017, when my son turned 2 we planned to surprise “Ira” our daughter to take her to her own world of fun and it’s going to be a return gift of birthday from my son “Viraj” to her “Ira didi” 

Why Kidzania?

Being a mother of two munchkins, I understand it’s how difficult to keep your kids engaged indoor in this humid and hot summer. It’s not the story of the summer season but also every season when kids are at home they need to be engaged and when you stay in a Nuclear family it’s a challenging job. What we as a parent do actually to keep them engage indoor is either go and watch cartoon, chotta bheem or if not anything else I will not lie, as seen 95% of parents giving their kids mobiles to play games and nowadays mothers mobile is full with kids apps to keep them busy and I’m one of them. Well, yes apart from this if our conscious raises voice we scold them to do something creative and go coloring or drawing. (Do let me know in comment session how u keep ur kids busy indoor… true answer !!)  

So, now Kidzania is one that solution in today’s scenario where your child can be in his/her world. With the name when I heard first-time “Kidzania indoor theme park” I thought it would be just like any other adventure park with indoor rides and some games. But, my visit proved me entirely wrong and what I got to know this is one place with the great concept of “ REAL LIFE ROLE PLAY  and it’s built like a big city in itself with paved roads, battery operated cars, buildings, a functioning economy & its own currency. This place will teach your child social values, creativity, problem-solving and much more with value to respect every little work and they will learn to respect every single profession and learn that no job is small. 

Wiggling in Kidzania:

When we reached, so impressed to see that here we don’t have to buy tickets and enter, rather it’s called asKidzania International Airport ” we have to check in and then boarding pass will be issued to go onboard to the city of Kidzania.

                 Waiting for boarding pass

Once you get the boarding pass 

Airport executives tie a gives you their city called Kidzania currency of Rs. 50/- in form of cheque.


Once u get your boarding pass and cheque the executives tied a RFID bracelets on your wrist by which kids can scan and do unlimited services and if they want to enjoy any services they just have to pay the Kidzo to avail those services.

Bracelets are unique security bracelet given to both parents and kids for the duration of the visit which can be removed only by Kidzania staff when the visitor has to leave, hence secure the safety of the kids inside the amusement park.

As the kiddo enters for any activity his/her RFID bracelet is scanned, to keep track of the activity the kid is in during that time, just in case a parent has to search their kid, the sensor guides the parent to that particular activity.

Now it’s time to go and wiggle inside the city of Kidzania. 

Kidzania city clicks:

My daughter got all excited and the first thing she did rush to Yes Bank and encashed her cheque in Kidzo and she is all set to explore, avail services and time to earn some money. 

Wiggling fun begins: 

K.Z.P.D (Kidzania police department)

Ira in police uniform got training from the officer and the motive of the department is to ensure that there is no rule break and no crime in the city. This activity is for 20 min where you have to roam around city and control that no rule to be broken by any citizen of the city. 

Kid can play 2 roles 

  • Forensic Investigator
  • Police Officer 

Ira has chosen to be a police officer and earned 10 Kidzos for completing her task, duration of task is 20 minutes. 

Bollywood Actors Academy

Being in Mumbai and you don’t have a little zeal of acting quite not possible so this was next stop for Ira. 

She got trained by one director there in the academy and then had her performance in the Kidzania Theatre. 

Culinary School:

This is yet another most fav thing Ira loves the most to get trained as a chef and when it’s Bajaj Nutella chef then why not? Here, Ira had to spend 12 Kidzos and get trained. 

Duration for the activity: 20 Minutes. 

Aviation Academy:

Latest Aim of Ira is to be a pilot and in this academy, kids can choose their role play either be Pilot, Co- pilot or Cabin Crew. Being a Cabin Crew kids can earn 8 Kidzos but as a pilot and co-pilot, they have to spend 12 kidzos. 

It gives a  unique opportunity to understand first-hand the complicated sequence of tasks a pilot completes before, during and after each flight. Activity Duration:15 Minutes. 

Fire Department:

My little boy also dressed up like firefighter but this activity taught about the fire safety and prevention procedures. Kids saved the hotel from burning but it reminded me the sequence of Bollywood flick OM SHANTI ON. 

Duration for this activity 25 minutes and kids have to pay 12 Kidos to enjoy this activity I liked this activity a lot !!

Apart from these are are so many activities where you can see your kid just enjoying a lot like I did but between all this, my little birthday boy was enjoying in full city and sometime in the toddler room. 

Some quick clicks of other activities


Shifts and Tickets

There are 2 shifts and day pass 

  1. Shift 1- 10 am to 3 pm 
  2. Shift 2- 4 pm to 9 pm 
  3. Full Day  – 10 am to 9 pm 

Kids below 2 years are free and rest prices vary for weekends and weekdays. You can check them online and book tickets    1800 102 1222LinkedIn

KidZania Mumbai, R City, 3rd Floor – North Wing, LBS Marg, Ghatkopar West, Mumbai – 400086.





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Ruchi Verma

Certified parenting teen practitioner, multiple Award winner, mother of two active kids believes in sharing the right source of information to readers which could help them in every possible way!!

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  1. This is superb..looking forward to take my child.

    1. Must visit place for kids !!

  2. I am glad you guys had so much fun! Unfortunately, our visit turned into a nightmare. Have written about it –

    I will be honest in spite of my concerns. The concept is simply amazing! It was great while the fun lasted. My son also went in for the police training but enjoyed the Fire fighting the most. My daughter’s favorite was the radio jockey and stop motion animation experience. ‘Balveer’ was visiting when we went so the kids were even more happier 🙂

    1. Oh I read your’s …it’s sad that ur daughter got hurt !!! This time I have not seen that dabbawala trolly kids rather going with only dabba holding in hands …Maybe they have changed it … hope we can visit together some day !!

  3. Sounds like a great place

    1. Yup It is !! Thanks for visiting here 🙂

  4. Kidszania sounds like a great idea. Those wrist bands sound like such a blessing to parents. 🙂

    1. Ya it’s a great place for kids to have fun n great time !!

  5. This looks so interesting will surely plan a visit once the kiddo is little older and can enjoy the role play

    1. Yup please go and enjoy 🙂

  6. This a dream land for kids , to do role play. the concept is amazing.

    1. Yup it is !! thanks for hopping dear!!

  7. Kidzania is a fabulous place for children and I love taking my niece there. Great post 🙂

    1. hey that’s great !! It is indeed a great place !!

  8. This looks so much fun, I wish such places existed when I was younger. ?

  9. This looks so much fun, I wish such places existed when I was younger. ?

    1. We to enjoyed our childhood in a different way but this is really something unique and every child’s dream to do a role play!!

  10. Such a fun place for the younger ones.

    1. Yup it’s a fun place to be !!

  11. We hate that we can just watch ! how we wish we were kids again !

    1. Hahaa seriously even few activities I also wanted to try !!

  12. […] Some time back I have shared my expe­ri­ence and my kid’s hap­pi­ness while being in Kidza­nia. For full review what all your child can explore there check my post HERE. […]

  13. […] real­ly got excit­ed to see indoor The­me park part­ner as KIDZANIA  in this Krazy Kids […]

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