Top 10 Things To Consider Before Buying A House

Buying a house

Working hard all the time and finally, the day arrives, the day of happiness, sounds like a story right? but no, it’s not a story. It’s a real situation that comes in many people’s lives.

Yes, you guessed it right, of course after reading the title. Haha….

Purchasing a house with your hard-earned money and having the aim of moving without stress gives everyone a wonderful feeling, it is the dream of lakhs and lakhs of people to purchase a house once in their life with their own money.

It is a very important as well as a big decision. A house is a place where a person feels comfortable & relaxed. A place that gives people a sense of belonging.

As it is a very big decision to be made as well as a big financial transaction too, it’s very important for first-time homebuyers to have the required knowledge of real estate before actually going out, looking for a house, and purchasing it.

So, here are some necessary points that you must consider before buying a house.

10 Things To Keep in Mind Before Buying a New House


One should firstly place great importance on the location of the house whether that’s something like one of these new homes in Las Cruces, or an older property, as it would be wise to find somewhere near to the workplace, your children’s school and have facilities such as market, temples, and hospitals within your reach. One should really consider buying a house where there are the facilities you need nearby.
A good neighborhood is yet another important point to consider, it is very important to check on the neighborhood before buying in a particular location. Some people may prefer living near the main roads of the main cities while others may like living away from the traffic in a peaceful area, and you won’t truly know what a neighborhood is like until you visit it! For instance, if you are thinking about moving to the Kansas City area then you are going to want to know as much as possible about it so you can pinpoint whereabouts you would like to live, so your chosen location can suit you down to the ground.


While buying a house you must be very clear with your budget. You must have a clear idea of how much you can afford before finalizing the house.

You must have to know that purchasing a house is just one thing while maintaining it with the closing costs, furnishing, electrical fittings, repairs, etc. may get you over budget. In the excitement of purchasing a new home, it’s easy to spend more that you can’t afford. That’s why you have to fix your budget and make sure to stick to it.

Preparing a budget for your house can be really helpful as it allows you to think about things in a streamlined manner.


Another important feature to consider while purchasing a house, you need to know how big or grand your house must be. You’ll want to know how much space or layout you need in your house. If you have a large family then you should need a larger space than someone who has a nuclear family. The size and the amount of space you need are all things to consider when building a home in Utah, or elsewhere.

On the other hand, you may look for something you want, like more space for playing, a home theatre, or a garden on the terrace. These are all factors you may consider while making a purchase.


Purchasing a house is a significant financial transaction that will impact your future life. So, you need to understand exactly what you’re getting yourself into when you apply for a mortgage. It will help you know about the down payment you need to consider. It may be 20% or may vary with an individual seller or with FHA loans. It is very important to estimate your loan to stay within your means.

buying a house


The word ‘HOUSE’ probably means a feeling of safety, warmth, and security. Mostly people like to live where they are safer rather than being tensed about their security. It is very important to find a house in the safest place possible, a place that is safe for the kids to play, with and people to live with.


Before buying a house, you must be very much aware of the age of the house. An old house must have its own glow and charm but it may need more budget and maintenance according to your comfort or may lead to new problems. But if you are thinking of buying a newly constructed house then this may help you to adjust your luxurious lifestyle within it.


“Vaastu” means the home for the god and the humans. It is considered that Vastu brings a lot of positive energy and ensures the owner’s safety. So, it is very important to look for Vaastu of the house before buying it.


Before you buy a new house, it is very important to inspect it. A buyer has to know each and every detail of the house and its owner. It is important to always negotiate the price of the house based on its condition.


A home is a precious possession we buy only for once, it has all our earnings and savings for life, it’s a huge decision to make. There are a lot of things to consider before buying a house and doing research and taking your time. And if you do not come to a conclusion, talk to a real estate agent, they’ll help you find the perfect home for you. It must be very important to consult only with the trusted dealers only.


When looking at the house we probably thought of the changes or the replacements of the things we needed or not in our house according to our comfort. It is very important to maintain the appliances and the furniture of the house to use for a long period of time.

As I said earlier purchasing a house is not a small thing, it is a huge financial transaction, and things like maintenance and stuff keep on pushing your budget, so you must ensure, even if you plan to get some maintenance done on some of the stuff, it must be in your budget.

Conclusion: Having your own house helps you build lovely and cherishing memories while saving you from taxes and rent (which once paid, never comes back). The EMI amount remains pretty much the same while your income increases year on year, so you’re going to be in a better position five years from now. The property value will also grow.

Read also: Retirement home care services

© Ruchie Verma. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.


Ruchi Verma

Certified parenting teen practitioner, multiple Award winner, mother of two active kids believes in sharing the right source of information to readers which could help them in every possible way!!

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  1. Great tips Ruchi and you have said it all. yes buying a house is an important and expensive investment and we should take care of each aspect. vastu is something that most people forget while buying a house. thanks for reminding this with this post.

  2. Location and vaastu of a house are imperative for us, sometimes even more than the price. Investing in property is a crucial decision and your post throws light on points to be considered well.

  3. You have covered each and every point there is to buying a house. In fact, it is a complete guide. These days Vastu is very important so is the location. Commuting for work or for school is a huge drain of time and energy.

  4. Getting your own house is still a dream for most of us but without due caution, this could turn into a nightmare. It is important to check all the points mentioned and take care that the dealer and seller are genuine.

  5. Purchasing a house requires us to consider many aspects and your post covers each one of them. Location, Vaastu, price and EMI all play a great role, and if there is a good advisor on these matters then that is a blessing . With good offers and calculating EMI the process should look more simple.

    1. Yes!! Buying a new dream home needs many things. I am happy you liked the tips.

  6. U have highlighted each and every aspect.its very informative post.buying a home is dream for many of us and it’s very important to consider all the factors before moving ahead.

  7. Buying a house is a huge decision and for many it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. The points you have mentioned cover all the things one should keep in mind before buying a house. Very helpful article, Ruchi.

  8. These are some valuable and must to consider points while considering buying a new property. As neglecting any one of them might adversely impact taking a correct decision.

  9. I agree with you,Great tips deal. we have bought house 2year back and considering all these point in mind.

  10. Noor Anand Chawla

    How interesting that the Vaastu of the house also made it to your checklist! Very important indeed and this comprehensive list is sure to help many new home-owners.

  11. You have coverd very valid points. Investing in property is a crucial decision and your post throws light on points to be considered well.

  12. Buying the dream house is definitely epitome of happiness for anyone. I’m sure these tips would help in making people go for.teh decision

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