10 Tips How To Positively Stick To New Habits

10 Tips How To Stick To New Habits

Recently everyone has taken New Year resolutions and now the question is how to stick to new habits that we are focusing on. Many of us fail to stick to new habits which can be attributed to various reasons.

Why We Fail To Stick to New Habits?

As we mentioned there could be multiple reasons, but knowing and understanding them can help to address them and increase the likelihood of successfully forming new habits. Some common reasons why anyone may struggle to stick to a habit:

Setting Unrealistic Goals: Unrealistic or overly ambitious goals can set you up for failure. Start with small, achievable steps and gradually increase the difficulty as the habit becomes more ingrained. You can always start with something easy to achieve, which might seem crazy but spend a little time doing something easy and achievable if you want to be good at it.

No Clear Plan or Routine: It’s easy to forget or neglect your new habit without a specific plan or routine. Establish a clear structure and integrate the habit into your daily schedule. Setting up a daily routine timetable will surely help you follow the new habit.

Lack of Consistency: Setting goals, taking up new habits, and making daily schedules but inconsistency in behavior is one of the common reasons for habit failure. Habits thrive on repetition and routine. Deviating from your established routine can make it difficult to solidify the behavior.

Lack of Motivation: If your reasons for adopting a new habit are not compelling or personally meaningful, you may lack the motivation to stick with it. Ensure your goals align with your values and aspirations.

Negative Mindset: A negative mindset, self-doubt, or fear of failure can hinder habit formation. Cultivate a positive mindset and remind yourself of your progress and achievements. Your thoughts play a very crucial role.

Ignoring Obstacles: Life is full of unexpected challenges. If you haven’t planned for potential obstacles, you may find it difficult to adapt when they arise. Anticipate challenges and have strategies in place to overcome them.

Lack of Accountability: Sharing your goals with others or having an accountability partner can provide the support and encouragement needed to stay on track and stick to new habits.

Impatience: Developing a habit takes time, and progress may be gradual. Impatience can lead to frustration and a willingness to give up prematurely. Stay patient and celebrate small victories along the way.

 Stick To New Habits

10 Tips On How To Stick To New Habits

Sticking to a new habit can be challenging, but with the right strategies, it’s definitely achievable. Here are 10 tips to help you maintain your new habits:

  1. Start Small: Begin with small, manageable changes rather than drastic ones. This makes it easier to integrate the new habit into your daily routine without feeling overwhelmed.
  2. Set Clear Goals: Be specific about what you want to achieve. Instead of a vague goal like “exercise more,” set a clear, achievable goal like “go for a 30-minute walk every day.”
  3. Establish a Routine: Consistency is key. Try to perform your new habit at the same time and place every day so it becomes a natural part of your daily routine, it will help to stick to new habits.
  4. Use Triggers: Pair your new habit with a consistent daily event (like brushing your teeth or having your morning coffee) to serve as a reminder.
  5. Track Your Progress: Keep a habit tracker or journal. Monitoring your progress can be highly motivating and helps you see how far you’ve come.
  6. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge your successes, no matter how small. This positive reinforcement can boost your motivation and commitment to the habit.
  7. Be Patient and Realistic: Understand that developing a new habit takes time, often longer than the commonly cited 21 days. Be patient with yourself and realistic in your expectations.
  8. Accountability: Share your goals with friends or family, or join a group with similar goals, they can surely help you to stick to new habits. Accountability can increase your commitment and provide a support network.
  9. Plan for Obstacles: Think about potential challenges you might face and plan how to overcome them. This preparation can make it easier to stay on track when difficulties arise.
  10. Be Kind to Yourself: Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up. It’s normal to face setbacks when trying to establish a new habit. Learn from your mistakes, adjust your plan if needed, and keep going.

Some easy habits to start with, try these you can surely stick to new habits

  • Drink a glass of water each day.
  • Put your clothes in your cupboard.
  • Wash your plates when you’re done.
  • Say, thank you every morning.
  • Eat one piece of fruit.
  • Write one sentence a day.
  • Brush your teeth after meals.

Remember, the key to habit formation is consistency and perseverance. Every small step you take brings you closer to making your new habit a natural part of your life. It’s essential to approach habit formation with a realistic mindset, focusing on sustainable changes and continuous improvement.

Are you ready to stick to new habits?

© Ruchi Verma


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Ruchi Verma

Certified parenting teen practitioner, multiple Award winner, mother of two active kids believes in sharing the right source of information to readers which could help them in every possible way!!

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