4 reasons why children throw tantrums!

why children throw tantrums

Motherhood comes with its sweet surprise of handling kids’ tantrums. And I had a fair share of experience when my son made it challenging for me on different levels by resorting to simple tantrums. Right from feeding him lunch while running behind him for every bite to teaching him healthy living habits – it’s been a struggle!

More recently, I had the toughest time when his notorious habits grew stronger especially when I had to sit down for his assignments. I persuaded him with logic to take his lessons seriously, and he would come back with strong arguments followed by occasional yelling. While kids still don’t know the meaning of these yells and screams, it definitely tests our patience.

These episodes turned out to be an eye-opener for me and I indulged in a little more research on why children throw tantrums in India. Here are some of the probable reasons for kid’s tantrums and what they can mean!

Hungry, sleepy, or sick?

Viraj wasn’t coming at the dinner table even after repeated calling. After mentioning multiple times that I have his favorite fruit mango cut with some pudding to go with it, he would yell a straight “No!” and resorted to watching TV.

“You won’t get the mango today then!” I said.

“I won’t have it” – was the answer.

I had almost lost my patience but something in me refused to believe that he wasn’t hungry. I sat down and calculated his routine to find out why he was refusing his favorite fruit.

Kids don’t keep track of their sleeping, eating, or active time. It is us! Viraj had slept late last night and woken up late in the morning. He had a heavy lunch and it was about 7 p.m. I realized that exhaustion and the untimely day had been the root problem. I went to him and started to play with him, talk to him, and calm his mind. In a few minutes, Viraj was calm and joined me for dinner. Sometimes the problem can be as simple as hunger, sleep, or feeling sick.

Health and Nutrition

reasons why children throw tantrums
Source: Google

Nutrition plays a vital role in growing children. Everyday meals have a deeper impact than we know of. Kids who aren’t getting nutrient-rich food tend to be anxious, stressed, sad, and even less active. Therefore, their aloofness, laziness, and sleepy nature can feel like tantrums. It’s time to check on their nutrients and add supplements like PediaSure if needed into their diet as it checks on kids’ nutrition and promises a 90-day growth plan to make your child healthy, happy, and active again.

Something is going on!

Kids are in-tune with their surroundings. Any words, actions, or behavior can cast a deeper shadow into their mind. If your kid is trying to get more of your attention, or neglecting you completely, or more so trying to behave differently – it’s time to talk it out! Kids sometimes throw tantrums when something is going on in their little heads and bothering them. Many times it is something that they don’t know that they are stressing over. It is best to sit with them and talk it out. Like us, kids too need their emotional and mental talks to keep them sane.

Over-pampering your kids

A child is indeed special to their parents. But sometimes we shower our children with so much love that the pampering becomes harmful. Excessive pampering and care can make the child take this love for granted. As a result, the child starts to throw tantrums knowing that their wishes will be granted. It is important there for parents to balance the pampering with discipline, teaching, and routine activities. Pamper your child, but don’t over-do it else there will only be tantrums left to handle!

As a mother of two, I have had my fair share of learnings about kids’ tantrums. As soon as I notice my kids throwing tantrums, I try to study their behavior and find out a suitable way to treat it. While these 4 were the most common reasons I found, other times it’s the basic motherly instinct that helps me conquer my kid’s wellness and raise them well.

Copyright: © Ruchi Verma

Disclaimer – This article is an advisory piece. Before you manipulate your diet habit kindly consult a medical practitioner or nutritionist.

The opinions expressed in this post are the personal views of the author. They do not reflect the views of any brand. Any omissions or errors at the author’s end does not assume any liability or responsibility on any party mentioned in the blog.


Ruchi Verma

Certified parenting teen practitioner, multiple Award winner, mother of two active kids believes in sharing the right source of information to readers which could help them in every possible way!!

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  1. Parenting can be very exhausting and tantrums are part of the problems we face all the time. I particularly like that in your points you mentioned over pampering, many parents are guilty of this. Thank you for sharing your experience with us because it makes us feel we’re not alone when it comes to issues like this.

    1. Parenting comes with so many surprises every day …I’m happy you liked the post

      1. Thanks for shring, Awesome article! I’m interested about the topics of child behaviour.

  2. This is very informative indeed! New mommies can definitely use this as a guide.

    1. Thanks for stopping and reading

  3. Good points! I have to say, in my experience, tired/sleepy is the number 1 reason for tantrums. I have neighbors with two small kids and they go nuts all the time, but they are awake until 11 pm. I know they nap during the day, but that night quality sleep is so important. People underestimate how tired small kids can get. There is no escaping it. I always chose quiet evening at home rather than any outing with small kids turned little monsters.

  4. I am not a dad yet but I can only imagine having to care with a child throwing a tantrum and not personally overreacting. I understand that we all deal with stress and internal issues differently and I think with patience and hopefully understanding, I will figure out why they may be having a melt down. In my god children, I often thing stress and hunger or some internal imbalance can really throw them off. So great insights you hit here.

  5. Thanks for sharing your experiences, as a new mum this help me a lot dealing with my daughter when she grows up. And also I’ve learned that knowing them is very helpful to deal with them properly, knowing what they want, what they need etc.

  6. Understanding the reason behind the tantrums us very important but often goes ignored. We need to visualize the other clues as well before reaching at a conclusion .

  7. Parenting can be difficult sometimes! These are good points, most of the time my son throws tantrums when he is overly tired.

  8. Kuntala Bhattacharya

    Good article. I can recollect the years I had spent controlling the tantrums of my son. He is 11 still he does sometimes but the kiddie years were like controlling patience. Your article is very good for the new moms, will share with my sis in law – she has a baby daughter and she will need.

  9. I wish those new moms, and moms to be could read this. This is very beneficial.

  10. Great sharing of research based article, these four reasons are more supportive to all of parents to dealing with teir kids.

  11. Some great insights shared in this well-researched blogpost. It will be useful to parents.

  12. Being a parent is a challenge, These are great info. so much thing to understand as a parent

  13. true.. in our case it is mostly sleep, tiredness nad hunger. knowing the cause and helping your child before the tantrum gets beyond control is the key.

  14. Thanks for a good post to give us a reminder of paying attention to our kids; health issues could be complicated and it’s not easy – knycx journeying

  15. great post dear and I agree kids tantrums are one of the major parenting issue that bother most of the parents. you had listed all possible reasons so well. I am sure it will help lots of parents to deal with this parenting issue patiently.

  16. Parenting is such a challenge, great to know these tips.

  17. Yes, I agree with all these reasons and they do contribute to tantrums by some kids. A tired, hungry, sleepy child is the topmost reason why a child throws a tantrum.

  18. So well researched and well written, I am no mother yet but I really liked it! Very helpful for all the moms there.

  19. It’s difficult sometimes trying to figure out what the problem may be. I love how you went to talk to him and play then eventually he came over.

  20. People should also try to be more kind, patient, and less judgmental when they see a kid throw a tantrum in public. Tantrums are a part of life and as you’ve mentioned there’s a huge variety of reason a child could be throwing one.

  21. These are valuable tips, most especially to first time parents. It’s important to understand why they are acting in such a way to be able to address it properly.

  22. Tantrums… no matterwhat age the child is. Its part of growing up and managing them without loosing our own mind is the real challenge for parents.
    I agree with the points mentioned by you. Kids must be trained to listen to a NO. Saying yes to every demand is fueling the power of tantrums further.

  23. Very useful for all those new moms. Good one.

  24. Parenting can e very tiring. It a 24 hour thankless job. I really like the tips shared by in this post.

  25. You know I so agree to the fact that we must analyse the cause of why the child is playing the tantrums. I
    am glad you decided to enumerate them

  26. These are some great pointers you have highlighted here. As a mother, I too have Faced tantrums a lot of time and i agree with your points here

  27. I can so very relate to this and I think every parent is facing this challenge. You have given some very good pointer and each one of us trying to find solutions but we do understand that each child is unique and dealing with them will also be different.

  28. Very rightly said. Me too with two kids have seen some of these behavioral changes. I agree kids hardly keep track or realize that their behavior is because of less sleep or hunger.

  29. Kids indeed have to be taken special care when it comes to their nutrition, food , exercise and studies. There are special tricks to handle special situations. I wish we had an article on that as well.

  30. Dealing with kids tantrums is one of the toughest part of parenting. Nutrition, good sleep and a loving but disciplined atmosphere at home are important.

  31. I agree with you on all the points and parents need to keep track of these things because there points are really important to raise a kid in a right way.

  32. Children have many tactics to get their work done, tantrums are usually one. But there are many other reasons too, checking this post for the same.

  33. Tantrum and managing tantrums are the most important part of parenting. Your points are true and helpful too for so many moms or parents.

  34. Wow this is such an insightful post. I wasn’t aware that Nutrition can also affect a child in terms of tantrums.

  35. Shreemayee Chattoppadhyay

    I can recall those days when my two sons would do the same with me and I had to manage them with some tricks. Yes, tantrums are the problems every parents have to face. The four points, especially the fourth one are just what I have noticed in most Indian families.

  36. Yes. Over pampering by the grandparents is also a cause for children to throw tantrums with the parents. It’s frustrating and we need to keep reminding them who is boss. I totally agree to these causes. Sadly, some parents don’t have the time to identify what’s the cause.

  37. Agree Proper nutrition via balanced nutrient–rich diet is much needed in growing years for maintaining immunity. As kids are picky eater this usually become difficult. This post gives proper approach in incorporating the same.

  38. Kids throw tantrum when they are feeling any discount or they want to get something they wish. We should understand the reasons and handle the situations very tactfully. You explained very well.

  39. this is such an informative post. Children can throw tantrum for so many things. Explaining things to them helps. Nutrition definitely also is a big part of a child’s life. These pointers will help parents

  40. Tantrums are something that all parents face from the kids. There are many reasons but you have highlighted the common ones. I guess too much pampering is usually the cause, especially when it is chronic.

  41. In this lockdown there has been a lot of reasons as to why kids have been throwing tantrums. You’ve rightly started , rest, day schedule, activities matter a lot!

  42. I can relate to all your tips , sleep n hunger cause the major reason for tantrums ,I make sure that I don’t device with these to them

  43. That’s a interesting post for the parents about tantrums which kids show it to them. You listed very good points

  44. Ravi Kumar Sardana

    Rightly said less nutritive food can make the child go little crazy. Nutrition rich food and right parenting can lead to wonders 🙂

  45. This is one of the best articles I have read on this topic. My child is not an exception and I have veen seeking help from various researches and videos. But believe me this is the most logical explanation I have found. Thank you so much Ruchi.

  46. I have indeed seen kids throwing tantrums because of all the reasons you have listed! Nice post! This will definitely help many parents!

  47. This is really very informative! Its gonna help new mommies. This can definitely be a guide for mommies

  48. You have covered all the aspects beautifully. I feel over pampered kids throw more tantrums compare to other kids.

  49. OMG! You have concluded ideal parenting so well. Mindful parenting combined with ‘Healthy’ parenting. I wish our kids could feel the pain of parenting, least to say, good tips.

  50. Parenting is a blessing but sometimes it can be a little daunting. These tips you have shared will definitely help new Parents understand the needs of their children better.

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