“I don’t know what to do? last exams Isha’s friend scored more than her and Isha was little sad” Megha asked Raghav in tensed mood.
“Why are you comparing your daughter capability ?” Raghav always hated comparison
“You will not understand…” She again went towards study room and started teaching Isha.
This is common problem or common conversation during exam times.
Have you ever wondered why we as parents are more tensed and creates such situations?
- A comparison is the biggest mistake we do and lead to tensed.
- Social pressure, social updates 100/100 attendance or 100/100 marks.
The responsibility of Parents:
- Remember every child is unique with his/her talent, academics are very important but don’t think that your child can be a jack of all traits, maybe your kid is gifted with some other talent than solving maths questions.
- Don’t pressurize your child to score more than what you want.
- Help them to study in the happiest environment.
- Guide them to study and help them to solve their questions and doubts.
- Let them take a break and indulge themselves in their most loved activity may be music, dancing or playing outside which will work like a stress buster for them.
- Give them positive encouragement. Parents guidance and parents encouragement works as a medicine.
Give your child wings of your support, encouragements, and love rather putting him on your social pressure. Let your child be what he/she wants not what your facebook status needs.
Hi Ruchie, yes I am also tense when my daughter has to prepare for exams.However, she is just in 4rth grade. And I am not the type of mom or rather my family is also for that matter, who pressurises for the rank or comparison. Here, my daughter has set some standards of her own and now as she is getting in higher classes, she has started taking things lightly. Her seriousness is going down. So I feel as she is growing up, her interest is growing low as if she is getting bored of studies or school. And it gets difficult for me to make her sit and study.
I too sail in same boat but yes I give Ira(my daughter ) time to go ahead play and music …but at same time I have stopped one thing “comparing her with her friends and cousins “
My daughter is always playing and writing her own stuff or watching TV….
See u never know …she may be budding writer 🙂 take a positive side try to tell her that study and then write your experience of today’s study in your personal diary !! May be this will help
so true, hits you hard on the most sensitive point. Parents & peers pressure is a real killer. I still have some yrs to face that, but have seen others expecting too much from young minds. Wish they understand…..
Yes !! I think every mom goes with this phase …so do I …
How I hated exams! Thankfully my mom was really supportive during exam times. She ensured that I wasn’t stressed. Nice suggestions you have listed here I must say.
Thanks dear… I remember my mom always says during exams “if you study u only gain … so all depends on u ” that time never understood but did full justice to study now realizes her this sentence
Sometimes we don’t take things seriously beforehand but as the exam time approaches ,we suddenly get over burdened as we have to do daily tasks along with exam preparation…..
To cope with this it’s better to make a schedule for ourselves and later for a child.This will be a great help I suppose
Children need not be unduly pressed to do well academically. your article should be an eye opener.
The advice is so apt, Ruchi. Parents are bound to be tensed, but they ought to know that they shouldn’t transfer their tension and anxiety on to their children.
I am the exact opposite, I hated exam pressure and I don’t even pressure S to finish his homework. I believe, every child will eventually get to where they have to and I rather not interfere in the process. Especially when it comes to academics, because that is not the end of the world anyway.
Absolutely!! Right
Comparison, for sure, is the root cause of all evil and so it is when it comes to exam stress and the undue pressure parents create upon their children. I never stressed about my exams atleast in school and my parents never pressurized me during exam preparations. I hope to keep it the same for my son too.
Agree with all the points Ruchi. Its not good to compare your child or pressurise him for excelling in studies. Thanks for linking up with #MMM
Comparison never helps anybody.And Parents need to guide them too.No chilkd will voluntarily want to study until we make it fun .Thats why Ruchi your advice to Geethica is perfect.Write a personal journal after you have studied !You are a very wise mommy.Thank you for writing with us for #MondayMommyMoments
The problem is, we know that marks and schooling do not make any sense in rest of the life. Still, we force the kids to study or do things that they are not interested in. It is social pressure. We know that whatever we score in school or whatever attendance we achieve is not going to decide what we do in life or define us. Educating parent and neighbors about parenting makes some difference in future at least.