Mahagauri is the eight form of Goddess Shakti. Her color is white. Whiteners is shown by shell, moon etc. Mahagauri means one clean and bright like a ray of lightning.
This is the form of Goddess Parvati when she did penance to get Lord Shiva as her husband. It is believed that due to the intense Tapas performed by her without moving caused soil and dust to collect on her body. Lord Shiva cleaned her with water from Ganga that’s why she get whiteners as shine & got the name as Maha Gauri.Purity is depicted in this form of Durga.
The Goddess is in the form of eight-year old child with complexion as fair as a conch, moon and jasmine. Her clothes and ornaments are white and pure. She has three eyes and four arms. Her right upper hand is in the pose of allaying fear and right lower hand holds a trident in it. The left upper hand holds a tambourine and the lower one is in the pose of blessing.
Pic Courtesy: GoogleContent : Story heard from mummy & Maa Vaishvavi
© Ruchie2k16
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