Keep Your Heart Healthy With Soya Protein & Yet Retreat Your Taste Bud


Heart disease? Cholesterol is a bad dream? Keep away from all tasty food and special from cholesterol or fat rich food……… it what Doctor & family members say you? Don’t worry! You know scientist and food specialist are also human beings like us, they also have heart diseases, so they understand your problems better.

Check out exercises for healthy heart

Hence you are bestowed with SOYA PROTEIN? Soya…..soybean….did I took the name of another tasteless food for you? No Soya protein is not just Soybean! It has lot to treat your Tastebud.

How about having a burger with a thick Cheese layer in between? Mouthwatering….yeah? And your Doctor even doesn’t say NO to it. Wondering how? If it is Soy Cheese or Soy burger….then you may retreat yourself with tasty yet healthy food.

Soy Milk, Soy flour, Soy beverages, cereals, flour, snacks……………

What is Soy?

It is a plant-based protein which is supplementary to animal protein and is rich in Amino Acid. But being plant-based protein it doesn’t have any saturated fat or bad cholesterol thus keep your heart healthy, wealthy and strong. In spite of having low LDL or bad cholesterol, it doesn’t lower Cardio-Protective HDL.

Check Nutrient value to accomplish dietary deficiency.

If we quote US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) then it states that “25 grams of soy protein a day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease.” It has high-quality food values like:-

  • Essential Fatty Acid – Omega 3
  • Vitamin 3
  • Minerals
  • Supplement to animal protein
  • High concentrate on fiber and other nutritious values.

“It’s high in polyunsaturated fats, fibre, vitamins, and minerals, and low in saturated fat. Natural soy products — like tofu or edamame — could replace red meat and other animal sources of protein higher in saturated fat,” – says Kathy McManus, who is Director of Department of Nutrition at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Easy to cook easy to eat

You can easily integrate it into your food. It comes in flour, cereals, bar, snacks, oil, cheese, milk, paste and many other firms. So be it your breakfast or lunch or dinner you can always make an easy healthy recipe from it.

Take it as Sandwich with veggies, or soybean curry at lunch, soya snacks at evening or a mixed fruit pack with soya smoothie or milk. Have puri with Soya flour fried in Soya oil.  It has NO BAD CHOLESTEROL NO FAT hence NO HEART DISEASE.

Some healthy snacks recipes

Helps healthy adults with nutrition-rich diet

DuPont has curated amazing products for you which are rich in Soy protein and also helps as a protein supplement to healthy adults and growing child as well. For a healthy adult, protein-rich balanced diet is highly desirable to meet with the daily work hazards. We often skip on it through our daily food habit. Mostly when we put on weight it becomes very difficult to maintain a balanced diet and yet not blame on food habit to gain weight.

When you are in such dilemma then Soy protein rich DuPont food supplement products comes as a boon. It also helps in muscles building and perhaps aids in putting off weight.

Eat Healthy….Keep healthy with Soya! 

© Ruchi Verma


Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Ruchie Verma (WigglingPen) with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Disclaimer – This article is an advisory piece. Before you manipulate your diet habit kindly consult a medical practitioner or nutritionist.


Ruchi Verma

Certified parenting teen practitioner, multiple Award winner, mother of two active kids believes in sharing the right source of information to readers which could help them in every possible way!!

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  1. Thanks for sharing. I need to check the Soy products since have a cholesterol issue, in check by statins. Major challenge this year right from cutting sweet intake and cutting fries majorly.

  2. I was adviced by the doctor to consume soya, not a big fan of this plant based protien but after reading its benefits will try to include soya in my diet.

  3. Soy protein is one of the best protein supplement for kids as well as adults.

  4. Noor Anand Chawla

    I have to be honest, I’m not a big fan of soya but I know it’s fantastic for heart health.

  5. I would say Soy is an absolute boon for vegetarians and non vegetarians too, it tops my cooking list items always.

  6. Being heart-healthy is crucial in our usually stressed lives. The benefits of soy protein are many and it is a must in our daily diet.

  7. Soya is really important and good for health..we also include it in our daughter in daily meal

  8. Soy protein is high in protein and really good for our health.. Everyone should include soy in their diet in anyway everyday..

  9. This is a pretty helpful post, did not know soya has so many benefits. It is necessary to keep your heart healthy.

  10. Soy products are gaining the long due importance they should have got very earlier. A must try for everybody and incorporate them in your diet.

  11. I am big soya protein fan. As kids my grandmum made nutrela but now i make tofu in stirfrys or soups. Great to know about the list of benefits

  12. Soy proteins are essential for our health. It is great source of vegetarian protein which is really effective on building muscle mass

  13. Totaly agree with you here, With so many health benefits and the ease of integrating it in our daily meals., it is a great choice for healthy living

  14. Soya is indeed a blessing for the heart and the health of the body in general. The idea of puris made with soy flour and fried in soy oil is great and something we would like to incorporate in our diets.

  15. My husband is a vegetarian, he loves soya. It is the best choice to get a natural plant-based protein. The best part is, it is highly versatile and tastes yum.

  16. Soy is a very important plant-based protein to keep our heart healthy. This was quite an informative read with respect to Cholesterol and Heart disease and how SOy can be useful.

  17. Soy protein is indeed so healthy. I would love to try DuPont products. Love all the information that you have shared here.

  18. I don’t really like soya but reading about its benefits I think it’s a must have in one’s diet. Thanks for sharing

  19. So true soy is the ingredient which is still struggling to get a place in Indian Kitchen but it has got so many benefits. Thanks for sharing so many good points to include in my diet.

  20. Soya is so healthy for our body. It is very effective and helpful. And not everyone like soya but this looks super tasty and amazing.

  21. Soya is full of good nutrition and high in proteins. I use it regularly for my family and agree they are easy to.use and easy to cook.

  22. Soy is really good for health! I love eating soybeans! They taste delicious! Will include more soy products in our diet!

  23. Undoubtedly the plus points of Soy are too damn high, I too have been reading a lot about the same recently, thank you for sharing this amazing blog, it was surely very helpful, probably I am thinking to include Soy in my diet too ?

  24. Even though I do not like soya very much we have now added it in our diet as we know it’s importance.

  25. Soy protein is a great source of protein for vegetarians like me. I rely on soy for my daily requirement of protein. Thanks for sharing in depth benefits.

  26. Have heard a lot about soy protein from my son’s pediatrician. Its essential not just for adults but kids too… Thanks for sharing more info

  27. Soy protein is one of the richest source of protein. Yes it is very simple to make and yummy options as well.

  28. Amazing and insightful post. Very useful benefits of Soy Protein for the nutrition. Soy protein is one source of all essential amino acids. certainly try and incorporate it into my diet

  29. Such an informative post soy protein. I always love to incorporate protein rich food in my diet and soy is one of my favourite.

  30. Informative post Ruchi….I wanted to.incorporate protein rich food…yu gave an idea …
    After knowing these much benefits of soya who will not take this ??? No one…

    Lovely post


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