How to Raise Children with Boundless Potential: Read This Book On Active Parenting

Active Parenting

Being a mother of a teenager and a preschooler, I always advocate Active parenting. The bond between parents and kids should be very connected to raise kids with dreams, positivity, and potential.

As we always say and mention that home is kid’s first school and they learn their first lesson from their parents. So, now it’s our responsibility to give them positive and active parenting.

What is Active Parenting?

Active parenting is based on the interaction between parents and children. It is based on mutual respect which in the longer-term leads to a greater relationship.

We, here at home try to share the same kind of bond and interaction with our kids but when a friend gifted me a book Active Parenting – How To Raise Children With Boundless Potential by RamG Vallath, I was really happy to read something which I trust and believe and written in such a positive way.

About the Author

RamG Vallath, is an IITian, a motivational speaker, a tech company cofounder, and an author. Man with multiple feather cap he is spreading positivity and happiness by empowering others by sharing his humorous and inspiring life story of how to achieve success despite setbacks. Over 60 schools across and 50,000+ children and cooperate employees attended his motivational talks.

About the Book

Trust me, I love books that are inspired and written on real-life scenarios and with real-life examples. The author has written this so nicely and is easy to understand and implement. The first thing which really impresses me is the SHARP model which he has shared at the starting of the book.

Like every child, every parent is different and special. The author shared magnificent pieces of advice and information like patience, honesty, gratitude, respect all are important aspects of life. We as a parent need to watch what we communicate with our kids and need to praise their efforts irrespective of their talent and result.

Topics that we as a parent avoid discussing and talk about sexual orientation or gender identity issues are discussed by the author in a great manner. I totally advocate the author’s thought that there is not a single way to raise a unique and happy child.

Active Parenting

Final thoughts:

As the author mentioned in his chapter “Telling by Showing” ~

The values children display are often a reflection of the values that parents demonstrate. 

I agree and would love to recommend this book to every parent as this is one of its own kind of parenting book which reflects the thoughts of every second parent and is on point. Before I miss mentioning every chapter contains a summary of important points to remember at the end of each section which is quite helpful.

This book covers age groups from 2 to teenagers but chapters are not segregated according to that which makes it more interesting to read it throughout. Language is simple and very understandable. You are the best parent to your child but this book has all answers to your real-time problem and will be a helping hand for parents to raise a kind, smart, and confident human being for society.

To get your copy today, check over HERE.

Title: Active Parenting – How To Raise Children With Boundless Potential

Author: RamG Vallath

Type: Paperback

Pages: 240

Publisher: HarperCollins India

Rating: 5/5

Also Read: How to realize that something is going in a kid’s mind?

© Ruchie Verma.

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Ruchi Verma

Certified parenting teen practitioner, multiple Award winner, mother of two active kids believes in sharing the right source of information to readers which could help them in every possible way!!

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  1. This book sounds really interesting. I agree every child is unique so as each parenting style. There is no right or wrong way of parenting. But these kind of books gives use the insight which we can add to our own parenting style. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I agree Ruchi like every child, every parent is different and special and we can not apply same parenting principles for each family. it has been long I did not read any books on parenting. thank you so much for sharing about this wonderful book on active parenting. will check out this soon,

  3. The book on parenting looks good. RamG Vallath seems to have discussed all the important points we need in parenting. I think I’ll get the book.

  4. I’ve read the book and also agree that the real life glimpses shared by the author definitely makes it a must read for all parents. Thank you for the honest review

  5. I did not know about active parenting. It is surely a very important thing, having the communication between a child and parents. I do not have kids, but will surely suggest this book to my friends who have kids.

  6. I can’t wait to read this book. Kudos to the author to have written about sexual orientation or gender identity issues. This looks like a must buy, so I’m ordering a copy straight away.

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