Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly known as PTSD, is a condition that is frequently associated with soldiers and people fighting in wars. However, it is a condition that can affect anyone that experiences a traumatic event. If you or someone that you know is suffering from this condition, then there are things that you can do to help. Below is information that will help you in assisting the person living with PTSD back on the road to recovery.
What To Avoid When Dealing With Someone That Has PTSD
When dealing with someone that has PTSD, it is vital that the lines of communication remain open and that it allows them to talk and express themselves freely. Bottling up thoughts and emotions can have dramatic consequences, and you must listen to what they have to say. You should also avoid trying to give them simple answers and telling them everything will be all right and always avoid making ultimatums or threats, as this may push them over the edge. You also do not want to tell them that things can be worse or invalidate their experiences and do your utmost to support them and be an excellent listener.
Sometimes, a friendly ear is all that is needed to help a person living with PTSD cope with the everyday struggles and deal with their problems. Also, a browse through the EMDR Healing blog and similar advice websites can help to point you in the right direction of getting help for your loved one. It is also vital that you ensure that they seek professional help so they can receive the treatment that they require.
Seeking Professional Help
There is a support structure for people with PTSD, but there is also the framework to assist family members and friends that are helping to support people that have PTSD. There are many treatment centers available, and there are residential treatments that can be offered. A change of location is an excellent way to help your friend or loved one, and you can find a reliable center for PTSD treatment Thailand and other exotic locations offer. Sometimes, the first steps are the hardest, but once you have taken the first one, things will get much more straightforward, although it will require patience.
It Takes Time
Getting over a traumatic event, whatever it may be, is something that will not happen overnight, and it will take time for things to get back to normal. Many people make a full recovery from their condition, but for others, it will be something that they have to struggle with for the rest of their lives, which is why a reliable support mechanism needs to be in place. It would help if you are patient with their recovery and you also need to expect a few hurdles along the way as they may well regress slightly, taking two steps forward and one back.
Time is a great healer, but some scars last forever, so it is vital that you do not expect a quick fix and you realize that it may be something that affects them for the rest of their lives. We cannot take the hurt and pain away from people that have PTSD, and we can help them through by listening to their pain and supporting them in any way that they need, helping them to get back to a healthy life again.
© Ruchi Verma
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full credit is given to Ruchie Verma (WigglingPen) with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Disclaimer–This article is an advisory piece. Before your medication kindly consult a medical practitioner or nutritionist.
Post traumatic stress can be serious. The point that you wrote in the end “it takes time” is very important. Our mind, and our emotions need time to adjust.
It is extremely difficult to identify stress or mental disorders. However, if we suspect that someone we know could be suffering from a disorder it is best to direct them to a medical healthcare professional.
I have never had a chance to read about PTSD. Thanks for this informative article. Good to know that Thailand has a centre where people can reach out for help and guidance.
Yeah!! It’s important to talk about this
Communications and healthy talks are very important as you said. And yes, one should go for a professional help immediately if anyone feels that things are not working out from his or her sides.
Exactly communication solves so many problems.
I was extremely unaware of this situation Ruchi, glad you chose to write about it, this awareness in indeed so critical.
This is so much needed topic we should speak on!!
Post traumatic stress is really hard to handle and it’s really hard to identify also taking medical advice is really important with giving proper time to the patient to heal
It’s hard but we need to understand the situation of loved ones and act!!
PTSD can be severe since stress is coupled with the effects of trauma. Giving it time and being understanding towards them are the best ways to help them deal with it.
Agree Varsha !! We need to understand and talk about the same
This is an important topic that not many people speak about unfortunately. I am glad to have come across your post on the subject.
Thanks Noor!! This is an important topic to discuss
It’s not easy to deal with mental illness or disorders. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder I’ve never know about it. Agree that reaching out for medical help is very important
Exactly it’s important to take care of your mental health
This is such an informative post, Ruchi. Glad you shared about the post traumatic stress disorder and how to deal with it. It is something which needs more awareness.
I guess the most important thing to help the person suffering from PTSD is to be sensitive towards the feelings, And just trying to soak into what the other person has to say without being judgemental
You are absolutely right, PTSD needs professional assistance, I dont think, we as laymen really understand this nor are equipped to treat it. It is best to have a medical professional assist.
As usual you have addressed a very important issue here. PTSD should be addressed in a serious way and clincal help should be sooght out.
Great post Ruchie. This is a very less talked-about topic. Good that you are spreading info on this ??
I remember knowing a person who was suffering from ptsd it is crucial to know and understand the mental aura of a person before treating your post talks about the same procedure